Material: Hydrogel
Functions: Flood protection; cooling and greening facades
Application: In facade construction, e.g., in flood-prone regions

One group in the workshop developed the idea of hydrogel bricks. Their backgrounds as a product designer, cultural scientist, guerrilla gardener, and urban photographer were undoubtedly helpful here. The hydrogel bricks could be used in facade construction in the future. They have cavities running through them that are filled with hydrogel. The idea is that these hydrogel channels could absorb water during heavy rain, thus preventing flooding. The bricks could also be used for green facades: Plants can be supplied with water at any time via the hydrogel channels in the bricks.
»Our other idea is these bricks. They have cavities that are connected to channels. And they would be filled with hydrogel, and that would be useful in regions prone to flash floods. And you could have greenery on these brick walls. The bricks could cool the house and store water and supply it to the plants.«