Materials: Wool & fungal mycelium
Functions: Filtering pesticides from the water & air
Application: As a solar-powered, floating balloon on open waters

The »Octofilter« is a speculative idea that originated from one of the speculation teams in the workshop. This floating element could purify water sources from pollutants in the future. The team members applied their knowledge as a physics student, draftsman, scientist, and prototyping professional to the speculation.
This is how they envisioned the »Octofilter« would work:
Using a solar-powered balloon, the »Octofilter« would float on water. Inside would be wool that could filter out pollutants in the water. After some time on the water, the balloon would be retrieved and processed in a lab, where fungal mycelium would grow on the wool. This mycelium would be able to break down the toxic components into non-toxic substances. After use, the mycelium could serve as fertilizer on fields. The »Octofilter« would also be fish-friendly: Since it is not made of netting, aquatic animals cannot become entangled in it.
»We considered three main aspects of pollution: First in the air; then from the air, it enters the soil, and from the soil, rain washes it into the water. So we thought of a system to filter water. There is a balloon so that our structure can float, and it can soak up all the pollution in the water. And we have a filter made of wool, which mycelium can later grow on and process all the pollution.«