Fotos: © Felix Noak
As a collective practice, breathing connects us to other living beings, shares emotions and sounds, and overcomes physical distances. But what might a future look like in which breathing has become more difficult?
In this workshop, CollActive Materials invited participants to imagine other forms of coexistence through the process of breathing. Environmental media scholar Dr. Léa Perraudin (Matters of Activity/HU Berlin) and research-driven artist Gosia Lehmann shared insights into breathing, the increase of environmental pollution, and air quality. A video installation by Gosia Lehmann gave workshop participants a glimpse of a speculative future in which breathing has become arduous. How did it come to this? And how might we go on? Workshop participants exchanged personal experiences and knowledge and ultimately crafted future scenarios that tell stories of the connection between breathing and togetherness.

Fotos: © Felix Noak